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February 06, 2005
NJ loves GJ
This has been a good week for GrimJack here in the wilds of New Jersey. I did a signing at Dewey's in Madison on Wednesady, the day that the book came out, and the owner, Dan, set up an article on it with the Morris County DAILY RECORD. The reporter, who did an excellent job, interviewed me over the phone at length the night before and came to the shop along with a photog. Long and short, the article came out Saturday, on the FRONT PAGE, with a big photo of me and Gaunt above the fold. Talk about your slow news day. Actually startled me; I was picking up the paper to see if I was in it to find myself looking at myself. Boy, that could curdle folk's morning coffee!
We also were in the New Jersey Star-Ledger as the pick fhis week in the comic book section of their "Signal2Noise" section which is also very cool. And i'm hearing word that we're selling out in a lot of places.
Yes, I AM a happy camper this wekk!
Posted by John Ostrander at February 6, 2005 08:26 PM
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